Refund Policy


Thank you for shopping at If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help. will issue, in its absolute discretion, refund for items which have been purchased from our platform within 30 days after making the purchase. Exceeding the afore-mentioned lapse of time will result in the cancellation of your refund rights.

Please note that exceeding the afore-mentioned lapse of time will result in the cancellation of your refund rights. Should you encounter any dissatisfaction with our products and platform once the order has been completed, please contact us immediately.

If a package is returned as a consequence of flawed merchandise, we will provide a full refund only after the items and the parcel have been returned and inspected by our team.

If a refund request is issued as a result of your own dissatisfaction with the product, we will grant a refund solely for the cost of the item purchased. No delivery costs will be refunded.

We do not provide refunds for items which display any physical marks of having been used by the customer. The product must be delivered back to us in its original condition, including packaging and certificate of warranty!

Refunds are issued within 10 business days, once the products have successfully been sent back to us.

This policy has been updated on 12 November, 2024.

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